I created this Bitstrip to make a point about how so many of you are hypnotized by online media outlets like Bossip and TMZ and fail to support independent media in the same way. Low and behold, a day after I created it, TMZ posted a story with a poll asking if Black people should be referred to as Niggas or African Americans. Why? Because Suge Knight doesn’t want to be called African American because he’s not from Africa. Suge Knight is stupid. Stop supporting bullshit media. I’ve never had a real issue with TMZ until now, but his story is just irresponsible. They’ve lost my clicks.
Related articles
- Ignorant Quote Of The Day: “I Like N***a Better Than African-American, We Not From Africa!” -Suge Knight [Video] (bossip.com)
- From Nigger, to Colored, to Negro, to Black, to African-American, and Now Back to Nigga? Music Producer Suge Knight says he Prefers to be Called “Nigga” Over “African-American” (blackchristiannews.com)
- TMZ Asks Readers To Vote On Whether To Use ‘African American’ Or ‘Ni**a’ (huffingtonpost.com)
Filed under: Artsy Fartsy, Bitstrips, Bullshit (Not Dangerous), Celebrities